Monday, July 27, 2009


Despite the recent melt down in the Nigerian capital market, stock investments still remains one of the most viable investment vehicles in Nigeria, particularly in the area of liquidity and the entry and exit window provided by this investment vehicle.
Investors confidence, has been battered in the market in recent times. The reason is that people have varied reasons for investing in stocks. We will be looking at some of these wrong reasons, why people invest, that makes them lose money in the market.
Some invest because they just feel like it. This is wrong because investment is a plan. And you should have a plan on groung before investing.
Others invest because they heard that stocks investment is good and profitable. So they go ahead and invest without due diligence.
Yet some others invest because everyone is doing it.
These and many other reasons are why people loose money in stock investment. Watch out for the reasons to invest in the stock market, if you really want to make money in the market.

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